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Teaching Kids About Money

From the Sente Blog: Tips and Techniques to Help Teach Your Children About Money

Money management is a vital life skill and it's never too early to start teaching your children important life lessons to be financially savvy. We know that many parents find it difficult to know when and how to begin these conversations.  We have collected several best practices and tools to help get you started.

Raising Money-savvy Kids

Kids learn about money early. They mimic the behavior of the adults around them, they see what their friends and acquaintances do, and they…

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Good Credit Starts Young

When young adults set out to buy a car, get a job or rent an apartment, it is increasingly likely that the seller, employer…

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The 20 Percent Solution

“I wish I’d known that earlier!” How many times have you said that while looking at your finances? At Sente, we hear it so…

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Teaching Kids About Credit

From time to time, we like to focus on topics appropriate for sharing with the children in your life. We want to provide you…

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