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Knowing How to Leverage Your Home Equity

Mom, dad, newborn baby and puppy snuggling in baby's nursery.

As a homeowner, you have a valuable asset in the form of your home’s equity — meaning the difference between how much you owe on your mortgage, and how much your house is worth. This equity can be leveraged in a number of ways to improve your financial situation or add value to your property. So, what are the most common ways to use your home equity to your benefit? 

Home Improvements

One of the most popular uses of home equity is to finance home improvement projects. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your kitchen, add a deck, or make other repairs or changes to your home, a home equity loan or line of credit can provide you with the funds you need to get the job done. The interest on these loans may also be tax deductible, making them an attractive option for many homeowners. Plus, this allows you to not only enjoy the benefits of your upgrades, but also increase your home’s overall value. 

Education or College Tuition

Whether for a child, relative, or a second-act career change, higher education can be expensive, but using your home equity to pay for college tuition can make it more affordable. By using the equity in your home as collateral, you can access funds at a lower interest rate than you would with a traditional loan. This can help you save money on interest over the life of the loan and make college tuition more manageable for you and your family in the short-term. From college tuition to expensive professional certificate or license programs, …

Debt Consolidation

If you’re struggling with high-interest debt, such as credit card balances or personal loans, you may want to consider using your home equity to consolidate your debt. Using your home’s equity, you can access funds at a lower interest rate, pay off higher-interest debt, and simplify your monthly payments. 

Emergency Funds

In the event of an unexpected expense, such as a medical emergency or car repair, having access to emergency funds can be a lifesaver. If you have built up equity in your home, accessing these funds can provide you with the financial flexibility you need to handle unexpected expenses.

Investment Properties

If you’re looking to invest in real estate, using your home equity can be a great way to get started. The equity you’ve built in your home allows you to access funds needed to purchase an investment property, or make improvements to a rental property you already own. This can help you build your real estate portfolio and create a steady stream of passive income.

There are many ways to use your home equity to improve your financial situation and add value to your property. Whether you’re looking to finance home improvements, pay for education, consolidate debt, or invest in real estate, using your home equity can be a smart financial decision. It’s important to work with a trusted lender who can help you find the best loan for your needs and guide you through the process. That’s where Sente comes in! Give usa call to talk through strategies for you to use your home equity smartly to meet your needs.

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